25+ Hilarious Yard Signs That Will Make You Cry of Laughter
Yard signs can be all different kinds of funny. Some yard signs can crack you up instantly whereas some signs give you a sneak peek about the personality of the owner. A lot of these signs have lines wittier than the entire episode of a stand-up comedy show. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some fascinating yard signs that put 'fun' in the word funny.
Everything Needs to Go
Yard signs can be all different kinds of funny. Some yard signs can crack you up instantly whereas some signs give you a sneak peek about the personality of the owner. A lot of these signs have lines wittier than the entire episode of a stand-up comedy show. So, without further ado, let's take a look at some fascinating yard signs that put 'fun' in the word funny.[/SocialIntro] [post_page_title]Everything Needs to Go[/post_page_title] This is one hell of a smart wife. When she caught her husband cheating on her, she decided to take matters into her own hands instead of lamenting about her fate. [caption id="attachment_5664" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Reddit // u/LeeOCD[/caption] Flipping the narrative, she decided to sell all of her now-ex husband's belongings. We hope the guy wasn't one of the items on sale. He wouldn't fetch a handsome price given his cheating history, we feel!